If you feel without purpose, sick, anxious, depressed, and struggling with your relationships and careers, know that most of the planet can relate.
By now we are all beyond discouraged, tired, and hopeless.
We are living in a dark and illusive time ripe with conflict.
There are many cosmic reasons to believe that the arrival of Spring 2022 will bring a major shift to those whom have the intention to heal and grow towards dharma.
Setting the intention to cleanse and release in these coming days will prepare you to be rejuvenated with Nature’s change of season.
Without this step towards purification, the nourishment that is to come will have nowhere to land within you and you could miss out.
If you are ready to move towards clarity, joy and purpose and let go of the last two years, use these steps to customize yourself a seasonal purification practice.
5 Steps to Purify for Spring
Step 1: Prepare
Reduce the intake of food, drink, and impressions that are triggering to your body and mind and increase the practices that you know support you. Maybe this looks reducing the amount of coffee and alcohol you consume for a bit, choosing to read instead of watching tv and getting outside for walks. Arrange your calendar and organize your home and pantry to set yourself up for success.
Step 2: Identify
Use body- based practices to get to the roots of your pain. This means you take time to be with and feel your body and your grief. Working with cannabis to do a guided visualization helps you to be present for this and to get curious about the stories your mind uses to distract you. This practice will let you know what your mind/body system wants to grow and what it wants to let go.
Step 3: Move
Here we really draw out that which we want to release through action. Adhering to a mono -diet for a few days, doing self-massage, exercising, and committing to yogic practices that stoke the digestive fire ensure the mental, emotional and physical toxins are being facilitated to exit. Cognitive therapy of all sorts is also helpful here. Bring in more practices that support you and set the intention to not let yourself stagnate.
Step 4: Release
Find ways to formally let go. This could look like a steam bath, tongue scraping, and using a mild laxative for purgation. Or maybe this could be ritualized by sending off a letter, burning something symbolic, or pour a bowl of water that represents your emotions onto a tree each day. Syncing this with Full Moon helps Nature to support you.
Step 5: Rejuvenate
How sweet it is to nourish yourself! If you have followed the above steps you will be ready to receive the juicy life force nature provides in Spring. Build your diet up slowly to include dates, honey, chocolate, and almonds. Work with herbs like ashwagandha, aloe, and cannabis to rebuild your tissues. Enjoy a calm mind and a glowing aura. Take in nature’s beauty, play and be lounge leisurely.
Take the time to personalize these steps for yourself without making it a huge ordeal out of it. What resources do you have right now that can help you complete this process? With those resources what can each step look like for you?
What challenges can you be preemptive of? Is there a step that you know will be hard for you? What support do you need? I have spent many years looking at the unconscious blocks that hold us back from our potential so I am on your team here.
Please follow along as I complete these steps and reach out with any questions you might have in your own purification and rejuvenation therapy.
Let’s use this month to be prepared for the goodness to come and hope to see you at my Guided VisulaHIGHzation event at the end of April.